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Death, Where is Your Sting?

Published: at 05:56 AM

Death, Where is Your Sting?

I pray for my children more than anyone else in the world. For years I prayed primarily for their safety, health, and protection. One day a few years ago, as I was getting in the shower (where much of my praying occurs), I heard God speak clearly to my heart. He said “Survival is optional.” In those few words came the understanding that while my prayers and motives to “keep everyone alive” are not bad, there is more to life than simply staying alive. And in fact, there are things during our time on Earth which are worth losing our lives for. Facing death is a hard thing – our own and our loved ones’. But through Jesus we overcome death and begin to live in eternity now. I haven’t stopped praying for my children’s lives, but my more earnest prayer is now that they trust in Jesus and live eternally.

The Lord is my shepherd:

God will swallow up death:


Jarius’ Daughter:

God is the God of the living and not the dead:

Today you will be with me in paradise:

The empty tomb:

Death, where is your victory?

God with us:

Do not fear man:

Lose your life to find it:

Depart from me, I never knew you:

Discuss: Do you fear death? How do the above verses challenge that fear?