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The Nature of Man

Updated: at 06:32 AM

The Nature of Man

Why it matters?

In order to understand ourselves, we need to look back at the starting point and understand how we got ‘here’. If we don’t understand or appreciate our own nature, we are oblivious to the pitfalls that have entrapped so many. Not considering the fallenness of our innate nature has led to disaster in our own lives and the lives of countless others. To understand and accept the realities of our nature is wisdom that will aid you in your journey.

Original Design

God made man (and woman) in his own image

Question: What other created thing bears his image?

God made man to be in communion with Him

God made man to rule and govern the earth

God made man with free choice

Question: Who put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden?

Fallen Man

God’s original design was not bad and in fact has not changed, nor has the nature of man.

Man can be proud

Man can be foolish

Man can be wicked

Man pursues pleasure

Discussion Points